Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's time

The time has come to show the pics of my BJPs. Crappy as they are(the pics, not my BJPs), my friends are bugging me to post them, I think a few are wondering if I even followed thru. hehehe
Earlier this afternoon I wrote the longest post in blog history explaining what my June page was all about. It was full of emotion and rambling and personal reminiscing. It was quite fantastic if I say so after personally spellchecking myself, I pushed that almighty powerful button "Publish Post" and off it goes, and goes and goes and goes........where???? I'm not sure.......but it's hour's worth of exposing myself and it's gone in the blink of an eye, or the push of a button. Wonder why??? maybe it's not the "right" time to expose those things. Soooooo.........below you will find "tags" of the meaning of my BJP 6/2007
Moon, art,age,my birthday,parent's anniversary,who is MoonRae, transition,transformation,dear Charlie,me the Goddess,moons,menopause,change,changes,changing..........yep,all about me....
you can see the pic at
Here I go pushing that mighty button....wish me luck!!!!

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Blogger *~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

hi sharon
bleck with blogger ;(
the only way i got the pic up was to post it first THEN go back and type in what i wanted-too much wasted time there!!
the only way i can get a pic to post is to put it in its own seperate folder in my pictures and then download it from there?? make sense?? LOL-gotta rob me a bank and then maybe i can afford high speed :)
happy day girl

March 3, 2008 at 12:06 PM  
Blogger Gypsy said...

I didn't know you had a blog til I saw your post to Noel!
Happy Day!
It does get easier!

March 8, 2008 at 5:57 PM  

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