Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm mortified part ll

So the batting stuck....stuck!!!! I sit there and I pull all those teeny fibers off the heart.....bummer.....oh heck, it's okay,the texture is kindof' interesting so we'll make this the prototype. I'm a firm believer in "it happened for a reason" so I just start creating a new one. I change the wording a little and texture the heart and pop it in the oven......ON my trusty,dirty,old fiber blanket.....I've learned my LESSON, oh yea, no batting for me except to stuff the guts of my dolls.
I can't describe my anticipation.....I AM NOT screwing up another one NO WAY!!!! So here goes, I peek, it looks alright....I wait til it's completely cooled and open it up.....OMG, it's so bitchin'(some of you have to be from the 70's) and I'm sooooo happy jumping around and being silly (notice I said SILLY, not stupid....not yet) I drop Laurel a line (my partner) to tell her I'm gonna paint and polish it and get it in the mail wednesday....yippeeee.
I paint and polish it on my machine and I'm just beaming......it really is cool. So my husband is in the bedroom and I go back to show my prize to him. He goes on and on about how much he loves it(he's such a darling) He told me to get it wrapped and he'll mail it and the one for Tejae in the morning(today)which is a day earlier than I told Laurel I'd send. So I'm off to wrap it, but I need to pee real quick....even artists have to go potty haha Well I have on pjs that don't have a pocket so I set the heart on this box Charlie has on the back of the tank that holds his razor and shaving stuff.....I quickly do my biz and go to stand up and my knee kind of gives out, so I grab the side of the sink to help me stand up.....I stand up, turn around to flush, bump that box, and at the same time I touch the handle, the heart bounced, and YEP!!!!! there it goes!!!!! I tried to grab it as it went down(oh come on, I only peed) and it's a goner....I scream "SH#T!!%$#@!! and here comes Charlie running into the bathroom to find me just standing there staring into that "black hole". He makes some wisecrack like "you just figured out what THAT is???" and I'm yelling "NO MY HEART, MY HEART!!!!!!" Poor guy thinks I'm having a heart attack or something!!!!He tries to grab me and I'm screaming "not MY HEART!!!you Asshole,my heart!!!Laurel's HEART!!!!" He gets this blank look and says "Honey,I told you I liked it, God Sharon, you're so extreme!! I hope you took that probe thing you stabbed through it out before you flushed it...why couldn't you just throw it away??? or better yet, just give it to me??? I really DID like it....."


Blogger *~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

oh sharon
i am laughing so hard here!! glad i swallowed my mouthful of tea before i got to the bottom of the post
wishing you better luck with the next one-wiping away tears of laughter
tammy ;)

March 18, 2008 at 2:34 PM  
Blogger Noel said...

ROTFLMAO.......oh Sharon how I can relate....been there done that....just remember the third times a charm...LOL! She's going to love it when she gets it!

March 18, 2008 at 10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god that HAS to be the funniest thing EVER! Only thing missing is the youtube vid of the whole thing. LOL

March 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can I say more.... just read this out loud to my boyfriend and we are both rolling on the floor laughing....maybe the heart didn't work out... but you certainly made my day!!!!

March 19, 2008 at 5:06 PM  
Blogger Marcia P. said...

That is hilarious Sharon! At last the way you tell it. I have to go pee now too! ☺

March 19, 2008 at 5:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just discovered your blog and I am so sorry about your poor heart, but can't stop laughing, when things go wrong you do it in style, the finished result looks great.

May 24, 2008 at 1:24 PM  

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